The Sad State of DVDs

By , May 10, 2003

A while back I made an Amazon Listmania! list of films I feel should be on DVD but are not. I happened across it tonight, and I noticed that only Parker Posey’s Party Girl had made the big jump to DVD. The rest are still, sadly, only available in the VHS format. Here is the link to the list, in case you’d like to see it. You can read my witty comments about each movie.

Wasn’t that fun? Now that you’re back, let’s talk about DVDs for a moment. Why is it that when I go to shop for DVDs, I can find walls of crappy “cult” films, like that of our friend Dr. Zombie Butcher who capped off the list, but a dearth of quality classics? I understand it takes time to go through the process of bringing an older film out on DVD, but come on. Someone is taking the time to transfer all those horrible cult films. I refuse to believe they sell well. Quick show of hands: who here in blog-land buys such DVDs? See, I told you. Nary a paw was lifted.

To make matters worse, half the time a fine older film is released, it is taken out of print soon thereafter. I’ve spent many a pretty penny on eBay of late in an attempt to collect what few of their classic horror films Universal Studios deigned to release on DVD. Even so, I’m missing a handful. Ghost of Frankenstein, anyone? Doesn’t the fact that it routinely auctions for $60 to $100 give a not-so-subtle hint to the powers that be that there is in fact a demand for it, and similar films?

Today’s Question: What currently VHS-only film would you like to see released on DVD?

I want Mothra.



2 Responses to “The Sad State of DVDs”

  1. Pink Glove says:

    is the sound of music on dvd yet? they should also have extra information on the real von trapp family for the extras…that would be COOL!

  2. xvenusian says:

    cool list. i can’t believe raiders of the lost ark isn’t on dvd yet. sadly, i have not seen any of the other movies on the list. .. except for wedding banquet, which i saw for an english class.

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