Driving to Georgia

By , June 3, 2004

A few years ago I drove from New York City to Berkeley, by way of Charlotte, North Carolina. The drive was at times arduous, but for the most part enjoyable. At the time I’d only been to California, Nevada, New York, and New Jersey, so it was interesting and enlightening to see some other parts of the U.S.

Yesterday, a friend asked if I’d be willing to undertake a similar endeavor– she is moving from Los Angeles to Atlanta, but doesn’t want to drive her car out there. As the cost to have a vehicle shipped is significantly more than the cost to drive, she asked if I’d do the job for her.

Factors influencing my decision:

1. I’ve never seen Atlanta, and as the friend is covering all gas and motel costs, it’s a free trip.

2. I’m curious to make another long drive.

3. The car is a brand new BMW, the polar opposite of the sort of vehicle I drive, and a chance for me to see how the other half lives, so to speak.

I told her I’d do it, so on the 17th I fly to Los Angeles and start driving. I don’t know exactly how far I’ll make it each day, but I anticipate spending nights in Phoenix, El Paso, Dallas, and Birmingham. If you live in any of those fine cities, let me know and I’ll honk the horn at you as I pass through your town.


7 Responses to “Driving to Georgia”

  1. amandaness says:

    Aww, fun times. Right through Alabama!!! Willie Nelson is annoying sometimes….


  2. YukiTonbo says:

    can you provide a map?

  3. You tell me what time on the 17th and I’ll tell ya where to be!! Neato!!

  4. Bamber says:

    I see no Alaska on that list!

  5. Pickled Sour says:

    lordy! yer drivin!?!?!? im… speechless…

    well good luck with it!

    the moment you hit a-town of the dirty south, gimme a hollaz

  6. Anonymous says:

    holy world tour.

  7. tammygirl says:

    whoa, i didn’t see a china in there!

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