Pessi Visits and Gorman Pops His Cherry

By , July 1, 2003

It’s very early Tuesday morning right now, which means technically we are well into a new week, but I feel like it’s Sunday night and I’m winding down from a weekend. Let’s call it a weekend-plus. Why did my weekend extend itself into Tuesday? Because Pessi came to visit. I’ll spare you the details and focus on a few highlights.

Saturday night our friend Gorman played his first DJ set in a proper night club. Before this point it had been all house parties and such, but you couldn’t tell by watching him that he was a virgin to a club set. He spun at Fuse on Broadway, and he did really well. Lots of us came out to show our support, not to mention dance to his tracks. Fizzy, Pessi, and I were joined by Sunny, MaiTaiBoy, MaiTaiGirl, Hair-Alex, Mallgirl, Kaveh, Bellybutton, and several others. Then most of us went to eat Korean food afterwards. That was after a pre-club dinner at Blake’s in Berkeley, with Q and her high school pal Teresa. Two dinners in one night? I’m for it!

Sunday I made pancakes for the three of us, and we watched lots of movies on television. We saw the last half of Die Hard, and some awful Mandy Moore movie called A Walk to Remember. Then the three of us went to Sunnyvale to Palace BBQ Buffet. I’d been raving about it to them for years about the all-you-can-eat Korean restaurant, and even if we’d had Korean food the night before we opted to have more. Though skeptical at first, both Fizzy and Pessi soon shared my sentiment of “mmmmm.” In fact, Pessi ate so much she barfed up a jellyfish on the way to the cinema, for rals. At said cinema we saw 28 Days Later. I can only describe it as an art-house zombie film, and tell you that it is worth watching.

Somehow after all that food, we decided to go to Denny’s at 1:00 am. We played Monopoly there until after 4; Pessi won. I held out for a long time, surprisingly since I had only the 3 red properties and the 2 utilities. After she bankrupted Fizzy, Pessi had EVERYTHING else and I knew I was doomed. We got back to Berkeley at close to 5:00 am, and still had the energy to toss a football around Bancroft Way for a while. Pessi made the best “catch” when she ducked and covered her head with her arms as the ball sailed past her.

Monday turned out to be more eating. In fact, looking back I realize that about all we did the entire time was eat. It was lunch at Barney’s on Piedmont, followed by a walk to Fenton’s for our afters. Local television variety show Evening Magazine was there to film a segment to be shown this coming Thursday (July 3rd) on channel 5 (KPIX). Who did they pick out of the entire restaurant to enjoy a free banana split and be interviewed for their show? Us! We’d already finished our sundaes, but tucked into the new one with reckless relish. Too much ice cream!

There was more eating later, and then Taco Bell just a few minutes ago, and THEN Happy Donuts. I think I’m ready to barf up a few jellyfish at this point myself. That makes me wonder…do you sense Today’s Question coming? Here it is: If you barfed right now, what would come out? That’s gross. Answer it!


One Response to “Pessi Visits and Gorman Pops His Cherry”

  1. Pink Glove says:

    this entry is very accurate. funny…greg!! hahahaha. i laughed my ass off!

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