Mono – Life in Mono

By , September 3, 2003

More than a few people have commented or emailed concerning my “reviews,” usually to the effect of, “those aren’t proper reviews.” Well, they aren’t exactly meant to be traditional reviews. In fact, they aren’t reviews at all. I enjoy writing, and this blog is my way of indulging that hobby. Sometimes I find inspiration to write in the form of a song or book, and while I realize that traditionally people write about such things to express an opinion or to convince you to buy (or avoid buying) it, that’s not my intent.

I sometimes feel the need to express a thought or emotion that a song conjures up within me, or to share what I feel are especially well-written lyrics. That’s it. I seldom consult reviews when it comes to music, and I don’t feel qualified to write one. If you happen to listen to a song I mention and enjoy it, well, great! If you dislike it, so be it. I put little stock in opinions in general; I don’t think anyone really knows much of anything at all, we all simply have beliefs that help us navigate the world around us. I put even less stock in opinions regarding art. We like what we like, and to some people the Spice Girls are just as good as Beethoven, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Speaking of the songs about which I write, I want to take a moment to remind you that when I list a song as “currently playing, rather than merely seeing the song in print, like this,

Currently Playing: Mono – Life in Mono

you can click the link to hear it. Fancy that. Are you hearing it? Well, are you? No? Turn your speakers up, silly. There, now you can hear it. Isn’t it the best? Close your eyes and just imagine yourself cruising in Pinky, my pink ’62 Thunderbird (R.I.P.). It’s late at night, the streets are empty, and…hey! Your eyes are open. Cheater!

Mono - Life in Mono

Okay, no more silliness. But yah, the song you are (hopefully) hearing now is what I’d sometimes play while prowling the streets in Pinky. Money pit though she was, I miss that car sooo much. I love Tiffany, my current car, but Pinky was a one in a million.

The Money Pit

As for the song, this is the song by the “other” Mono. There is this really great Japanese band called Mono, and then there is the crappy “band” that made this song, which for some reason is a really good song to me. I think the rest of their songs are crappy. Unlike the good Mono. From Japan.


5 Responses to “Mono – Life in Mono”

  1. YukiTonbo says:

    there need to be some rain drops…the completes the mood…just sprinkles…

  2. ThursdayNext says:

    Nice site…glad I stumbled upon it. Just curious: is there something special about your name?…besides it being your name? And I like hearing the music…you have good taste.

  3. tammygirl says:

    yes yes, do explain the name peasprout! i’m curious as well. I like your old car!! Did it kick the bucket? okay well i’m back in boston now. =( it’s raining! but classes will begin at harvard on the 15th. much to do before it begins. i have to move my stuff from wellesley to harvard. return to san diego for a week, then go back to boston and adjust to the time zone. crazy man. i’m a nut.

  4. Peasprout says:

    @ThursdayNext, for an explanation of the name Peasprout, you’ve but to read

    this post.

  5. Peasprout says:

    @tammygirl, see above reply to ThursdayNext’s query.

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