We’ve Got it Better… Right?

By , September 10, 2003

Fellow blogger ThursdayNext posed a question: “During what era would you most want to live?” I chose 1945-1957 America. While commenting, I was reminded me of an ad from a 1950 issue of Life Magazine. I dug it up and scanned it so I could share it with you.


This ad makes no sense to a modern viewer. Women leaving their babies and toddlers unattended while shopping? They might as well post on Craig’s List and invite all the local pedophiles to come enjoy the smorgasbord of young flesh. No, life was clearly different in 1950.

Now, as intelligent denizens of the 21st century, we all know that the 1950s were a repressive prison of Brylcreem and gray flannel conformism, and anyone who would willingly choose such an era over today’s land of freedom and choice must be either an idiot or a McCarthyite, right? Right?

Heretical though it sounds, were the 1950s… better???

Impossible! Yet, I might very well trade away my freedom to wear a shocking pink mohawk and pierce my tongue if the exchange was the sense of safety and community that has gone by the wayside. Now you tell me what YOU think.

And here is a song, evocative of the era, to hear while you ponder your answer.


9 Responses to “We’ve Got it Better… Right?”

  1. Goddess Kika says:

    Now the 1950’s seem so…fake. But you prove a good point.

    Nice thought provoking blog, and a cool song to go with the theme. Props!

  2. YukiTonbo says:

    Seems like you got some sleep…your lil head can think again….weee……

  3. jazmineXu says:

    Hydramatic…Systematic…..1958 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz, 365 cubic inch, 335 hp, V8 engine with 3…2 barrel carburetors! Would you be caught in a PINK Cadi in broad daylight? Impressive!!!

  4. ThursdayNext says:

    Hey Peasprout, I’m almost done with my homework, so you can pick me up for the Sock Hop in an hour.

  5. Hydomatic, systematic… I’d prefer the 1956 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing in that smoky metallic bubblegum pink. (The pink Molly Ringwald’s car is in “Pretty in Pink”.) Thank you very much. ;)

    This music is fan-tab-ulous. I grew up on this stuff man. I have records upon records of this stuff. One of my favs is the Quincy Jones Orchestra. Oh, you gotta listen to that.

    Speaking of the ‘Q-man’, have you ever seen “Cinderfella”? (Jerry Lewis’ version of Cinderella.) That has a great soundtrack. Not a bad movie either if you don’t mind the goofy JL humor.

    I would love to be in the 50’s. Merely to wear the clothes. White gloves and Jackie-O suits, ahhh.

  6. Peasprout says:

    @jazmineXu, ummmm, yes, I would? Maybe you can come pick Fizzy, ThursdayNext, and I up and we can all ride to the sock hop together in your car? See you tomorrow night at 8:00?

  7. jazmineXu says:

    Ok, ok….I’ll pencil you in my date book. Actually I do have that car, but it is stored at my uncles place so it can stay in a garage. My grandpa bought it when I was 5 and I inherited it when he died. So it’s a very special car to me in more ways than one. When I go to my uncles for Sunday dinner we take it out (except for in the harsh winter months…because the heater doesn’t work) brrrrrr!! It still runs like a dream….so sunshinesgold, I can take that Mercedes Benz (that exists in your dreams) any day of the week. *snap*

  8. Bela Lugosi says:

    This is all I have to say about this matter:


  9. Peasprout says:

    @Bela Lugosi, “That sounds like loadsafun, I’d like to go.” I loooove their midwestern accents. This video is reason #74993 why the ’50s were just plain better.

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