Goodbye Pessi

By , April 26, 2003

Tomorrow, Pessi moves back to Los Angeles. I’m going to miss her! We’ve become very close friends since she moved to the Bay Area. Not to mention the fact that she seems to forever be going out and having fun, and always knows what bars or parties are worth visiting. Fizzy and I are the stay-at-home types, so it’s very helpful to have a Pessimista around to take us out every now and then. One must occasionally see how the other half lives, after all.

Fizzy and I are renting a van and helping her move. I actually own a cargo van, which we call Big Blue, but we aren’t sure the decrepit vehicle can make the trip to L.A.

We’ll be spending a few days getting Pessi settled in the thriving metropolis that is Canyon Country. I lie. It is suburban hell. Poor Pessi; I’d never survive.

While in the L.A. area, we will be staying at Casa de la Fizzy (that’s fancy talk for her folks’ house), which means that in addition to moving Pessi, I will finally meet Bunni, the eldest sister, in person. I’ve seen her from a distance, but she was busy slamming her head into a wall and pulling out tufts of her fur, and I didn’t want to impose. After all the tales I’ve heard, I can hardly wait.


One Response to “Goodbye Pessi”

  1. Pink Glove says:

    god.  yer finally meeting bunny…let’s see how that goes!

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