Ring in the New Year

By , January 5, 2004

I have been an absentee blogger for some time now, the reasons for which I explained in my previous post, but as things have settled down somewhat, I should be able to offer up regular material once again. Thanks to all who wished my Mother well. She is home recovering.

This is the time of year at which it is customary to make resolutions for the new year, and perhaps recap the previous year. As this is my first post for 2004, I could try to do so, but I am not sure I’d have very much to write. I am fairly pleased with my first year’s output as a blogger. I have 82 entries under my belt, and while not all of them are masterpieces, I think I’m improving as I go. I don’t know exactly what to resolve, but perhaps I will try to balance the topics here a bit more evenly. I write about music far more than, say, food, and perhaps it will be more interesting to you, gentle reader, if I deliver more food, film, and cocktail posts your way.

Okay, that will have to suffice for my resolution and recap blog. I now resolve to enjoy the rest of this fine day. For more than a week I was so sick I couldn’t leave my bed, so I am especially appreciative of my health now that it has returned. Fortuitously, January and February are especially easy months for me, as it is a slow time for private parties and the like. I still have to tend to the clients who are booking me for events later in the year, but the lack of parties to organize and staff in the near future means more free time.

Today’s Question: What are your favorite months, and why?


12 Responses to “Ring in the New Year”

  1. blacksesame says:

    June/July/August – because it’s summer and of all the bdays/holidays…

  2. YukiTonbo says:

    dropping by….”peek in”….no music? okie…ta ta…moving on…

  3. YukiTonbo says:

    dropping by….”peak in”…no music? okie….ta ta

  4. Mayaari says:

    just browsing through the blogrings… I’d have to say April/May/June and October are my favorite months, the first 3 because the wether is usually perfect spring weather & early summer before it gets too humid, and October for cooler weather & the leaves change color.

  5. ca1b0y says:

    Happy New Year Peasprout! I like October-December. Too bad in LA the seasonal change isn’t as nice, but I still enjoy the skiing and clumps of vacation time I get around this time of year. :)

  6. I wish your mom well. I did not know she was not feeling well. All the best to you as well. ~PK

  7. ps. I hold special sentiment for all things Italian. ~PK

  8. Peasprout says:

    @Dirti Martini, You are a woman after my own heart.

  9. @Peasprout, I’m after your heart, eh? One might conclude you give your heart away too easily, then. ;)

    June-Jul-Aug: Sunset at 9pm, wearing a slip to dinner without a sweater, things feel good in a “sitting in front of the porchy” kinda way. ~PK

  10. Peasprout says:

    @Dirti Martini, hahahahaha…it is an expression. It means we think alike, or that I agree with you.

  11. shadowluv says:

    My favortie months are April and December. April because I love the rain and December because I love the snow!

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